WASHINGTON, Ill. – Property owners in Washington will see an increase in taxes this year, specifically for the portion that’s paid to the city.
Washington is raising its property tax levy by 8.56-percent. The City Council approved the tax levy in December.
City Finance Director Joanie Baxter tells 25 News, one factor that’s played into higher taxes this year…is that property value assessments increased more than 7-percent in the past two years. But, the tax rate will stay the same.
“The increase in the assessed valuation is due to basically property values being undervalued compared to what the sales price has been,” Baxter says.
On their bill, residents will see that the city’s portion of property taxes makes up only 6-percent of the total. The rest comes from school districts and other taxing bodies.
So, if a resident’s bill last year was $4,000, they will owe about $18.82 more in 2025, Baxter says. If their tax bill was $10,000 in 2024, the estimated increase this year would be $47.05.
The increase estimates only apply to the city’s portion of the tax bill. Any changes from other taxing bodies are separate.
The tax levy increase is due in part, Baxter says, to a $300,000 increase in the fire and ambulance contract, and the city being required to help pay for a new ladder truck and ambulance.
The levy also helps pay for the police pensions.