By: Greg Batton
From time to time, I am asked if it’s ok if a friend puts me down as a reference. The answer is always “yes”. This happened recently and when I was contacted by the person wanting info on my friend, I was surprised that the entire reference check was written. I was sent a series of standard, impersonal questions. It’s very difficult to paint a real human picture without a conversation.
Besides having a clean vehicle, one of the motivations to wash your car in the winter, is to keep the salt marks off your clothes! I’ve looked like a Jackson Pollock painting a few times this winter.
At a recent tribute night to Tina Turner by David Commanday and The Heartland Festival Orchestra, I witnessed JOY! When “Proud Mary” started , a small group of folks bolted to the dance floor and tore it up! Leading the JOY was 81 year old Rose. She told me later that whenever that song is played in her presence, she dances. And if family is with her, they dance. And it will be her last dance when that day comes.
Recently, Dream Center Peoria and Pathway Ministries hosted the documentary “Americans with No Address” at The Peoria Riverfront Museum. The subject: homelessness. It’s good.
One quote popped on the screen that hit me hard. It’s from Catherine Booth. Along with her husband, William, Catherine founded The Salvation Army.
“You are not here in the world for yourself. You have been sent here for others. The world is waiting for you.”