PEORIA, Ill. – Peoria Public Works crews are working to clear downed trees and branches left blocking roads, sidewalks, and alleys, after strong to severe thunderstorms rolled through the area Friday night.
City officials say damage and debris reported within city limits was minor.
Peoria Public Works reminds residents to be mindful of downed trees and limbs in the road, and to report them for removal by the city. Residents who need a tree or tree limb removed that is blocking the street, alley or sidewalk are asked to contact Public Works at 309-494-8800, or email, or by using the Peoria Cares Website Map.
Peoria yard waste collection also begins again on Monday (March 17). Residents are reminded that storm debris should be bundled with a nonmetallic cord, be no longer than five feet long, weigh no more than 50 pounds, and be set out to the curb on their normal trash collection day.
For unbundled materials, residents are asked to use their own containers. Wheeled carts that are either 65 or 95 gallons in size are also acceptable. Residents are asked to label cans or carts with “Yard Waste Only” stickers, which are available at City Hall, Public Works, or any GFL location.